Why a Logo is Super Important to the Success of Your Business

When you are about to start a new business or pursue a passion project or test a concept, you may not think much about designing a logo.
This is logical considering all the other things you have to discover, including what your new project can call, how it will work, when you find the time to do it, and so on.
When you approach more than ever, a banner may be needed, especially if you are designing a site or business cards.
Even so, you may think, can I stop it a little longer? How important is the logo, anyway?
Here's how: Putting visual content on what you're doing will revive your idea and deliver it in a way that words cannot.
While offering a great product or service is your top priority, you can think of the logo as a support system, helping you gain visibility, confidence and goodwill.
Need more persuasion? Here's why the logo is important for early business.
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It gives your company an identity.
As the famous designer Paul Rand puts it, "The logo does not sell (directly), but it specifies."
Let's repeat - the number one goal the logo serves is to give your business (or organization, group, team, etc.).
Think about how most people interact with your company for the first time. Whether it's through your website, social channel, or booth at a conference, you want to make a positive impression first - it's hard to do it using words alone.
By giving your company a mark that fits both large and small space, you strengthen your business name (and generic brand) and provide a visible view to your target audience. You say "hello" without being opportunistic or hateful.
This does not mean that your logo should clearly state what you do or sell - for example, if you own a finance company, you do not need to include dollar or bank signals in your logo.
But what your logo needs is to connect your brand attributes (and your personality!) With visual signals such as colors, fonts, symbols, shapes, and logos. This must be done in a simple, direct and adaptable way.
Logo and Web Design Company
Makes your brand stickier.
How often have you forgotten the name of something, but can you describe what it looks like?
In a world where people interact with hundreds of brands every day, you have milliseconds to capture someone's attention and stand out.
From the distinctive logo make your brand (and business) easier to retrieve because humans are connected to identify images and use them to draw meaning and stories. Ideally, our brain processes images at a rate of 60,000x faster than text, and people remember 80% of the images (compared to 20% of the text and 10% of the sound).
You can see this visual call while looking at the results of this experiment, asking 156 people to draw 10 creative logos from memory, including Ikea and Burger King. While the results vary greatly, most people do a good job of capturing aspects of these logos, especially the colors of brands.
When designing a logo, think of who might see it on a tag, social media ad, event poster, or poster on a laptop - and then think about how you want to remember it.

It relates to professionalism and builds confidence.
When you start a new business, it can be challenging to make others - whether customers, sellers, or investors - trust you. That's why it helps to take the old school's advice of "dressing up for the job you want."
Before a person tries your product or service, it evaluates the appearance. Think about whether you're visiting an ordinary website or getting a business card that looks old. Do not inculcate confidence or trust, do you? You may not jump to buy something or contact someone for more information.
On the other hand, a strong brand can inspire someone who does not know anything about your business to start gaining trust and interest in what you offer. It can also help build loyalty over time, as your business grows and earns fans - you just need to think about your favorite coffee shop logo, and how you feel about seeing someone's cup in the morning.
By designing a wonderful logo and putting it on your website and other materials facing the customer, you can immediately convey that you mean business. As 70% of companies say it is cheaper to keep a customer rather than get a new customer, the more confidence you can build, the stronger your business.
It makes you (the founder) feel legitimate.
It is difficult to start a large business or project. As mentioned above, it can be challenging to convince someone to take a chance on you - especially when you are not always 100% sure that you have what you need.
Given the huge number of obstacles to overcome when starting a business, it may be difficult to feel confident in what you do. Too many anonymous! Many things to learn!
Although they look superficial, only the logo can help. It makes what you do (or try to do) more realistic and gives you something to build on.
When you send an e-mail to a vendor, send a proposal to the customer, or start this group-financing campaign, your message will be sent unconsciously: "You've invested time and effort in this project.
It may be an extension, but if you think the effect of clothing on cognitive processes, it may also help you to print your logo on a shirt and wear it whenever you need to enhance confidence.

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